We advise and represent on
Family Law
Unfortunately, situations arise whereby family relations can be break down and this can be an extremely difficult and traumatic time for the family unit. We endeavour to take clear and detailed instructions and deal with matters compassionately and confidentially: to listen and understand the circumstances of our Family Law clients. We endeavour to provide clear, detailed and plain-speaking solutions to attempt to resolve such difficulties. There are times, of course, when this is not possible and it may require Applications to be made to the Court in respect of Access to Children, Maintenance Applications or Applications under the Domestic Violence legislation. We will always attempt, where possible, to bring a compassionate approach and strive to obtain the best outcome for our clients.
We represent clients regularly in the District Court Family Law forum and also in the Circuit Court for Applications for Judicial Separation and Divorce. We also craft detailed and client-specific bespoke Separation Agreements and, where possible, attempt a compromise or otherwise a non-confrontational approach to avoid, where possible, matters being dealt with within the Family Law Courts which can bring stressful and anxious times for all parties concerned.
Areas we work in
- Divorce law
- Children law
- Child care proceedings
- Financial agreements & settlements
- Ending a civil partnership
- Domestic abuse
- Unmarried couples - cohabitation
- Representation in court
- Fixed price family law